Friday, July 22, 2011

It's been awhile...

since I've blogged and I can't tell you exactly why.  It could be because we've been busy....or that I got behind and then I didn't know exactly where to start and then I freaked out and decided not to start AT ALL for several days... we are.  I've finally decided to update.  And to ease me back into the routine of regular updates, I won't be talking about our fun trip to a Bed and Breakfast without Mady or how Mady is loving to swim or  that she'll be 8 months in 2 weeks (Yikes!).  Instead I'll just show a few pictures of my sweet girl and you can expect some posts about the previous mentioned topics in a few days:-)

My little reader!  We've been going to the library every other week lately to get new books.  She loves to look at them while she practices sitting up!
Practicing crawling.  We aren't even close to crawling but it helps to strengthen our arms.
We've been working on feeding our self with crackers or cheerios.  The cheerios haven't been successful because they're so small but we sure did love our graham cracker today!  I'm definitely going to have to get use to the mess!
We're a happy girl!  Jeremy and I are truly blessed with such an easy-going happy baby.  She does cry, even though most people don't believe me.  I have video proof:)
Oh yeah...I just remembered why I haven't been blogging....Blogger is making me ANGRY!  I have the hardest time uploading pictures.'s not the uploading part it's the part that comes when you actually want to put the pictures on the page. It took me about 5 minutes to get these pictures from the uploading screen to the page. I don't know why it won't let me 1/2 the time. Any suggestions?

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